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Grove town (Trith edition)


New town made by New Grove Team & Trith




New Grove Team & Trith, mod : Kuririn & Pointer, fixes: avatar, Alyx182008



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Grove town (Trith edition)


Name Image Anim Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Faun 1 2 6 1 - 3 4 10 12 116
Armed Faun 1 3 7 1 - 3 5 10 12 121
Moon Hunter 2 7 4 2 - 4 7 15 7 221
Moon Slayer 2 8 5 3 - 5 9 15 7 263
Grove Guard 3 7 6 3 - 5 7 16 7 293
Grove Keeper 3 8 8 3 - 5 7 22 7 362
Night Druid 4 10 10 7 - 10 8 25 4 501
Elder Druid 4 11 11 8 - 12 9 35 4 679
Basilisk Rider 5 9 15 13 - 15 6 60 3 1045
Basilisk Champion 5 10 17 13 - 15 8 70 3 1278
Spider Princess 6 13 15 15 - 15 7 65 2 1381
Spider Queen 6 13 16 20 - 20 8 65 2 1642
Quartz Dragon 7 16 19 35 - 45 6 225 1 4450
Amethyst Dragon 7 19 25 35 - 45 9 295 1 5335
Saphire Dragon 7 22 35 55 - 70 12 570 1 17750
Treebeard 6 11 18 15 - 20 5 100 1 1612
Night Falcon 0 20 10 10 - 15 0 250 0 3915
Night Stalker 0 5 5 6 - 12 4 40 1 680




Name Description Schools Image
Summon Treebeard earth


Name Description Slot Image
Night Falcon {Night Falcon}

The powerfull kind of Ballista can also paralyze targeted units from the distance.


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Artehel Artehel is only ent who decided to live among humans. Although forest calls him almost every day, he refuses to come back. On contrary - he wants to bring forest to humans world by summonning mighty Treebeards to serve his cause. male Treebeards
Kyorlin Kyorlin is the only woman admitted into the Inner Circle of the Night Druids. Although she has many admirers among the brethren, the shapeshifter has refused all proposals in order to devote all her time to find peace of mind. Strangely, she hasn't found it yet. female Night Druids
Malla Malla, with her great constructing experiences, creates great battle machines. Her potential was noticed by the Elder Elm high priests and now dryad is using her talent in the name of grove armedfauna and flora. female Engineer
Mrimm Being an orphan, Mrimm was raised by druids who put all the children on a strict regimen of chores, study, prayer, and more chores. Today he is at home in the woods under the starry sky, while his lust for freedom has made him the Grove's best scout. male Logistics
Olath Olath is known for his trade contacts with the nondrow, including Kreegans and Necromancers. He has become more adventurous lately, traveling to the Fiery Fields for unspoken reasons. male +1 Crystal
Phindara Phindara, though an Elf, possesses an uncanny resistance to the gaze of a Basilisk, which has allowed her to control these creatures better than anyone else, including legendary Bron. female Basilisk Riders
Sargh Even if the enemy is dominant, Sargh knows how to add strength his faction by providing materials to make city stronger. male +1 Wood & Ore
Shebali Dwarves may mine gold from deep underground, but they store it in vaults above ground where Shebali can steal it all at once. Although disowned by her family, she is popular with her guild of Moon Hunters. female Moon Hunters
Sithyrr As the forest guardians, the Night Elves do not craft Ballistas themselves and prefer to capture war machines in combat against human castles along the border. Sithyrr has become the Grove's leading expert in its deployment. female Ballista
Sinn Following the path of her foremothers, beautiful but heartless Ssin became the greatest sorceress among the Night Elves. She has learned to walk a fine line between good and evil, but kept her snake-headed whip. female Sorcery
Suliss Matron mother of her clan, Suliss is known for her wisdom and is often called to mediate disputes between other clans. However, she turned to witchcraft when it became clear that she would never ascend the throne with ten heirs in front of her. female Scribe
Tuidhana The founder and sole ruler of her kingdom, Tuidhana always fights side by side with her troops. She knows how speed is important on the battlefield, so she mastered velocity as one of keys to victory. female Runner
Ultrin During a border war, a small force led by Tazar was able to make a stand at a Tatalian outpost, holding off a force nearly five times their size for days until reinforcements arrived. Ultrin was Tazar's most gifted student. male Armorer
Velkyn Said to be a sacred child, Velkyn was blinded during a Dark Ritual. Nowadays he leads a solitary life in the damp tunnels and caves of the world, but is often summoned back to create a concealing veil of darkness. male Blind
Velve Velve is said to be able to incite the anger in his troops, enabling them to strike harder than their peers. His troops will tell you they fight harder because they love their commander. male Rage
Vlos Vlos nearly perished in a raid into her sylvan homeland by the Humans. Fortunately she is a master of the healing arts, and was able to heal the near-fatal wounds she received in that battle. Her sojourn on the other side has changed her, though. female First Aid
Wanre Though lacking an inherent talent for magic, Wanre possesses a unique bond with the ancient earth creatures that allow him to recover all spell points day by day. male Shamanism